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Input number and check perfect number or not using while loop in Python

while Loop - Question 8

In this question, we will see how to input a number and check if it is a perfect number or not in Python programming using while loop. To know more about while loop click on the while loop lesson.

Q8) Write a program in Python to input a number and check if it is a perfect number or not using while loop.

A Perfect number is a number, whose sum of the factors excluding the given number itself is equal to the given number.

Example: Sum of factors of 6 excluding 6 is 1+2+3 which is equal to 6, so 6 is a perfect number.


i=1; sf=0
n=int(input('Enter a number '))
while i<n:
    if n%i==0:
        sf=sf+i     # sum of factors

if sf==n:
    print('Perfect Number')
    print('Not Perfect Number')


Enter a number 28
Perfect Number