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Stack using Linked List in Python

User-Defined Data Structures in Python

In this lesson, we will learn how to implement the stack using a singly linked list in python.

Linked List Implementation of Stack in Python

We know about the stack and how to implement it using an array. In this lesson, we will learn how to implement the stack using a singly linked list.

We also know that two operations on the stack are possible: push and pop. See the image below to understand how to implement push and pop operations on a stack using a linked list.

Push Example

python stack using linked list push example

In the above image, we can see that when a new node is created, it is placed in front of the first node, and its address is stored in the start variable.

Pop Example

python stack using linked list pop example

In the above image, we can see that each time a node is removed, the first node is deleted from the list, and the address of the next node is stored in the start variable.


Program of Stack using Linked List

Below is the complete program of stack in python using singly linked list having size 5.


import os

# define node class
class Node:
    def __init__(self):
        self.data = 0
        self.next = None

start = None
temp = None
size = 5
top = 0
ch = None
n = None

while 1:
    print('1. Push')
    print('2. Pop')
    print('3. Display')
    print('4. Exit')
    ch=int(input('Enter your choice '))

    if ch==1:   # for push operation

        if top==size:
            print('Stack is full')
            input('Press enter to continue...')     # Pause the loop so that the user can see the message

            # Enter a number to store in node
            n=int(input('Enter a number '))

            # create a node object in temp
            temp = Node()
            temp.data = n           # assign the value of n in the data part of temp
            temp.next = None        # assign the None in the next part of temp

            if start == None:       # if start in None
                start = temp        # then assing the temp in start (start points to the first node in the memory)

                # insert the new node before the first node

    elif ch==2:     # for pop operation

        if start==None:
            print('Stack is empty')
            input('Press enter to continue...')     # Pause the loop so that the user can see the message

            print('Number Popped = %d' %(start.data))
            input('Press enter to continue...')     # Pause the loop so that the user can see the message

    elif ch==3:     # for display operation

        if start==None:
            print('Stack is empty')
            input('Press enter to continue...')     # Pause the loop so that the user can see the message

            temp=start		# start from 1st node
            # display the nodes on the screen
            while temp is not None:
                print('%d' %(temp.data))
            input('Press enter to continue...')     # Pause the loop so that the user can see the stack

    elif ch==4:

        print('Wrong Choice')
        input('Press enter to continue...')     # Pause the loop so that the user can see the message